As past Rekindle Fellows will tell you, Rekindle is a serious program that requires your complete attention. As you consider joining Rekindle and becoming a Fellow, please read through these commitments so you know what you’re getting into. The graphic on the right is a brief summary, but please read through the following:
Full Participation: The Rekindle Fellowship aspires to be a transformational experience for both you and your local community. As a member of this Fellowship, it is your responsibility to follow the guidelines listed below. Just to reiterate, 100% participation in the five sessions is mandatory and non-negotiable, so please don’t accept this Fellowship if you have foreseeable conflicts with scheduled meetings.
As a Rekindle Fellow, I commit to participate in all five seminars—from the beginning to the completion of each session without interruption—and to undertake the readings in advance of the seminar so that I am well prepared to participate fully in the discussion.
Not ready to commit just yet? Join the email list and we’ll keep you informed of the next cohorts.
Confidentiality: The Rekindle Fellowship also provides a confidential space for Fellows to discuss matters of career, family, faith, and challenges they face personally and professionally with complete assurance that what is said in the course of the program—whether at the seminar table or any other venue – will be treated with absolute confidentiality. Take the stories and lessons learned, but leave the names behind.
Media Release: We ask that you allow Rekindle to use your image, professional biography, statements (written and spoken), and likeness in publicity materials, press releases, etc., and hold Rekindle harmless from any claims or liability for damages for libel, slander, and invasion of privacy or other claims based on any publications thereof.
Individual Responsibility: I understand that we have Moderators coordinating and facilitating the sessions, but the responsibility for connecting with other Fellows outside the sessions is my own.
Health and Wellness: I understand that Rekindle sessions are held in person, and we are all responsible for each other’s health and well-being. To that end, I will do my best to avoid exposing others to any sickness, including COVID-19.
Hold Harmless: I agree to indemnify and defend the Rekindle leadership and all associated parties against all claims, causes of action, damages, judgments, costs or expenses, which may in any way arise from my use of or presence upon the facilities where any of the activities are held.
Civil Dialogue: I understand this Fellowship is about dialogue, which includes respectful, active listening to points of view that may be different from my own. I understand that when I disagree, it will be in a civil and respectful manner.
Commitment to Action: I understand this is a Fellowship program about action. Some actions will be individual, and some will be on teams. Not only will I find the time for this work during the Fellowship, but I'm committed to sustaining this fight for social justice after the Fellowship ends.
Communication: I agree to share my contact info (email address and cellphone number) with the whole Fellowship. As a member of the Rekindle Fellowship, I will always respond to calls and emails from the Fellowship team, including filling out the evaluation after each session. I will also respond to other Fellows, even if just to say that I need to decline a connection/opportunity at that time.
Ethics: I will hold myself to the highest ethical standards both personally and professionally, based on integrity, honor, respect, service, and compassion.
Sustainability: To build a financially sustainable Fellowship, I understand that I will be asked to make a voluntary financial donation to support future Rekindle cohorts. I will seriously consider supporting Rekindle financially once my Fellowship ends, but no donation is required to participate.